Succulent from our Garden

Fortunately, this succulent was in a planter so I could bring it indoors and out of the wind to photograph. 85mm macro, nine exposures at shutter speeds from 1/4 of…

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Peonies on White (bottom) is a photo composite created from 18 individual 36MP captures on a light box photographed for transparency. Peonies on Black (top) is an LAB L-channel adjustment (an…

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Nanzenji Aqueduct

Nanzenji is one of the Five Great Zen Temples of Kyoto, Japan. Wandering through the grounds at Nanzenji, I came across a huge red brick aqueduct, built in the 19th…



I realize that I never blogged this iPhone image of gourds, which I rather like. It was photographed locally at the wonderful Berkeley Bowl produce market. I processed in on…


Echinacea Peeking

I photographed this echinacea (cone flower) peeking through the translucent white rose petals shown in Back to the Flowers with my 200mm telephoto macro lens and a 12mm extension tube. The…

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Back to the Flowers

I've been in Europe (rural southwestern France, and then Paris) for most of the past month, which has blissfully enabled me to avoid American politics. Except when I admitted to…



Technically speaking, a fetish is defined as "an inanimate object worshiped for its supposed magical powers or because it is considered to be inhabited by a spirit." I photographed the…

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Impressions of Giverny

In addition to Monet's bedroom, here are two more iPhone impressions of Giverny: The outside of Monet's house from the front steps, and an impression of the famous garden.

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