Derreen Garden

It was lightly raining, more like a heavy mist, when we visited Derreen Garden in Lauragh, Killarney, County Kerry, Ireland. The history of this garden is interesting. In the 1870s,…

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County Kerry

What does County Kerry, Ireland have in common with my hometown, Berkeley in California? One thing in common is infinitely changeable weather. As in the San Francisco area, in County…

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Kinard Beach

Kinard Beach is on the Dingle peninsula in County Kerry, Ireland. Dingle and the Dingle peninsula ares truly magical places, with frequent rain, changeable weather, and mountains slipping into the…

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In the garden we now have a variety of ranunculus in bloom. These are a joy to photograph because every ranunculus is different. Just like people, no two are alike.…

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St Patrick’s Well

St Patrick's Well, or Pozzo di San Patrizio, is located in Orvieto, Umbria, Italy. There are 248 steps down (and up). The view in my image is looking up at…

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