Thistle While You Workshop

Arlington Avenue is a divided street that runs a block away from my home from Marin Circle in North Berkeley to downtown Kensington, California---a quaint low-key strip that hosts a…

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Cherry Dance

Cherry Dance is manifestly a digital art creation. This collage combines a photo of blossoms on a cherry branch with two flat-bed scans of paper---using Photoshop to create a whole that resembles…

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Getting Off Automatic

As a professional photographer I almost always use my camera in manual exposure mode. Most of the time I have no use for programmed automatic or semi-automatic modes---or, God forbid, one…


Floral Tapestries

To create these images, I arranged flowers on a lightbox that was proportionally much wider than it was tall. Next, I shot straight down with a macro lens, bracketing for…



This is a shot of professional model Liz Ashley. The lighting is from one strobe, hand-held to the left of the camera.



In the dead of winter there's not much color, even in California's usually highly saturated gardens. The Tilden Park Botanic Garden emphasizes California native plants. It's always a wonderful place…

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