Unzip My Petal Heart
Unzip My Petal Heart © Harold Davis

Unzip My Petal Heart

First, there was the business of hearts. Hearts are not to be taken lightly. They never are: hearts can be broken, lost, found, and mended. Always pay attention to who…

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In common with many photographers, I like to collect visual oddities. Yellow Stanchion, below, is odd because of the prosaic foreground subject contrasted with the almost elegiac background of the…


Last Gas

I found this signage advertising the "latest" bar on the Camino Portuguese shortly before the Spanish border where the great pilgrimage trail crosses the River Minho to Tui, Spain. By…


Our side door

We generally prefer folks use our front door, where there is a nice sheltered porch for Amazon to leave their near-constant droppings. But of course if you are a friend…

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French Signage

French signage found in small towns in "deep France" around the Dordogne: Enchanted Mushroom (for a speciality restaurant); Dog on a toilet (for a doggie run); and two pigs for…


Vietnamese Viagra

When a guy in Vietnam feels the need for an increase in, shall we say, manliness, potency, and virility, he reaches not for a little blue pill but rather for…

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Ever since the era of Adam and Eve, there has been something enticing about an apple!

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