
We spent a day with Katie Rose at the Whitney Clinic for developmental followup at six months gestationally corrected. This was a tiring day for Katie (and for us), but happy, because our little girl is doing so well.

Katie's Smile

Katie Rose saw a nurse practitioner, a pediatric neurologist, a physical therapist, and we saw a social worker. This clinic is a very friendly place, and very thorough in their follow up of at-risk babies. They are going to be helping to arrange for a physical therapist to come visit Katie and teach us some exercises for her.

Dr. Mednick, the pediatric neuroligist who is the medical director, told us that Katie Rose was not the baby he had expected to see based on her file. His body language made it clear that he was really pleased.

24-week preemies, like Katie Rose, have about a fifty-fifty chance of survival. Katie’s chances were a good deal worse than that because of the circumstances around her birth (the antibiotic-resistant infection) and how long she spent in resuscitation.

So to hear from Dr. Mednick that in all likelihood Katie would have a normal and productive life brings back memories of how tough things seemed when she was born, but mostly fills us with thankfulness and joy for the miracle of Katie Rose.

We look forward to bringing Katie back to the clinic next year, so they can see how she has progressed.

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