Sunset from Sentinal Dome

Happy but foot weary I came down the trail from Vernal and Nevada Falls, determined if it was before 3PM (I didn’t have a watch with me) to stick to Plan A. Plan A being to get on the shuttle bus, find my car, and drive up and around to the country near Glacier Point.

At an elevation of 7,000 or more, this country would stay bright (and photographable) much later than the Valley.

Once I got up there, I decided to hike up to Sentinal Dome, which is about a mile from the road and has a view extending west to the great California valley and east to the Sierra Crest.

This view of Yosemite Valley sinking into sunset and shadows is from the summit of the dome, as are these photos of rocks and blasted trees:

Blasted Tree, Sentinal Dome

Rocks, Sentinal Dome

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