Bromeliad in Full Bloom

Meta information: More or less the same as the original bromeliad photo.

I have photographed this bromeliad flower three times now. The very first time, about a week ago, the central bloom was about 1/3 in flower. The second time, four days ago, the bloom was maybe 2/3 in bloom. As of yesterday (and this photo) it is pretty fully in bloom. Quite striking (at least in my opinion)!

With my Iris and fig photos it took quite a while for people to get impatient with my obsession. This time, boredom seems swift. Two comments from readers:

I’ve noticed how you get carried away by your subject matter, but if you want me to go on reading your blog, enough with this one poor flower already!

First you went on and on with one single iris bud, then you did this thing with really gross and disgusting photos of the inside of a fig that looked obscene. I don’t want to see anymore of this flower. Please get back to landscapes, roses and digital techniques.

So I guess three posts of this bromeliad are enough, although I do think it is wonderfully beautiful with its vibrant red, interior green, and blue and yellow blooms. But I’ll desist!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. that is a magnificent bromeliad, is it a neoregalia? great photos

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