To make this image, first I needed one wet spider web with a colorful background. The web I found is shown in a somewhat more conventional image in Wet Web.
It was early in the morning, and the low-angled sun was adding saturated color to the scene. I switched to my 50mm macro lens and used Manual exposure controls to open the aperture all the way to f/2.8. Next, I dialed up the shutter speed so that it was fast enough (1/500 of a second) so that the motion of the spider web in the wind wouldn’t have much impact.
Up close and personal, I shot a series of “portraits” of individual waterdrops, with the idea of keeping one or two drops in focus but letting the background go out of focus so I could capture attractive bokeh in the frames.
Back at the computer, I combined the images using stacking—so that the brightest drops were the ones that appeared in the final Photoshop composite.
50mm macro, twenty exposures, each exposure shot for a duration of 1/500 of a second at f/2.8 and ISO 200, hend held; exposures combined in Photoshop Extended version using the Statistics script with mode set to Maximum.
Sea Palm Forest is another image of mine created unconventionally with stacking.
Iza Korwel
22 Nov 2011It ia incredibly beautiful image. One of those I wouldn’t mind hanging on the wall in the house. Not only can I appreciate the delicate structure of the web, decorated with water drops. But this background is just so colorful. It makes me think of the fairy tales, for whatever reason.
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