Many things crash. Property that is overvalued. Waves on a storm-tossed sea. Computers that have outlasted their normal lifespan.

Thus it was that my old Windows computer died in the middle of writing an email to a friend. I had been nursing it along on its last legs for longer than I care to say.
From this death there was no recovery. Suffice it to say I am writing this on a new computer, having put in many hours getting my systems up and running again. How unproductive! I would rather have spent my time doing something creative.
This fiasco made my weekend stormy, but it could have been worse—all my image editing and photography-related work takes place on another (and, dare I say it, better designed) system running OS-X.
I was able to take out some of my computer-driven frustrations by doodling the Turneresque seascape you see above (click to view a larger version) which shows another kind of crashing—that of waves on a stormy sea.
To create this image I made abundant use of the lovely Florabella textures library.
Roger Lambert
18 Feb 2012Lovely result!
I’ve had fun going out on ‘texture shoots’, finding interesting surfaces to adapt. Have also used some NASA shots of weather patterns from high altitude which have worked.
22 Feb 2012If it was truly a Turner, it would be of museum quality.