Tunnel to Bethesda Fountain

The area around Bethesda Fountain is one of my favorite haunts in New York's fabulous Central Park. During the day it is always crowded with happy folks, musicians, jugglers, and…

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The dictionary says that oculus is a fancy term for a round, eyelike opening. The term has been borrowed for a system of virtual reality headsets, and I have photographed a rock…

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Cherry Branches

Cherry Branches for a wet and windy weekend! Phyllis brought these back from a neighborhood tree, and I photographed them using high-key HDR on a light box, then combined the…

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Black & White Book is Shipping

My new book The Photographer's Black & White Handbook: Making and Processing Stunning Digital Black and White Photos is now available and shipping from Amazon and other book stores. Very exciting!



In my garden in the rain the hellebores are in bloom. These lovely bell shaped flowers face downward in nature in a wide variety of colors and internal configurations. It's…

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