Joy of the World in Flowers!
Wilder Shores of Love 2 © Harold Davis

Joy of the World in Flowers!

Having a number of teenagers and twenty-somethings in the house exposes me to some (understandable) pessimism about life, society, and the future. These are indeed strange times. We---and our kids---have…

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Glory of the Garden
Glory of the Garden © Harold Davis

Glory of the Garden

How wonderful to be photographing flowers from my garden at this time of year when the world comes to life and all the colors glow and are so glorious!

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Rojasianthe Superba
Rojasianthe superba © Harold Davis

Rojasianthe Superba

This Rojasianthe superba, sometimes called "White Sunflower Tree," was growing in the entry garden of San Francisco Botanical Garden, where (with permission) I cut this specimen. The seeds of Rojasianthe…

Wilder Shores of Love
Wilder Shores of Love 1 © Harold Davis

Wilder Shores of Love

What is love? It is, of course, a "many-splendored" thing: supple, wonderful, wistful, and maybe all of these at once and maybe more. The passionate rush of dopamine when encountering…

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Peony as big as a platter
Peony as big as a platter © Harold Davis

Peony as big as a platter

I'm proud of our bush Peony. For a toddler---I planted it close to two years ago---it certainly produced a huge and beautiful flower. It's hard to get a sense of…


Frilly Godesses

My flowers are like frilly Goddesses. But not in a fey way, or an overly cute way. The textures these blossoms provide could almost be fabrics or garments. The beauty…

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Fusion X-Rays

These two flower images are fusion X-Rays: one part medical X-Ray combined with one part light box photo. I created them last month in collaboration with my friend Dr Julian…

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Helichrysum bracteatum

I photographed this Helichrysum bracteatum (strawflower) blossom on my light box (far below), then inverted the image in LAB Color, and converted to monochromatic (directly below). I'm headed tomorrow to…


Dahlia Daze

As summer becomes full and the days of July rush by, the dahlias are in bloom. Each dalia is different, a unique world unto itself. Some of them remind me…

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Clematis in Love

Over my garden gate, the Clematis vine is thriving, provided we keep its "feet" moist. Two of the Clematis flowers bloomed together, and I cropped them to make this composition…

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