Tree Shadow

The Grand Shrine of Ise is dedicated to the sun goddess Amaterasu. One of Shinto’s most sacred shrines, this complex of shrines, inner shrines, and sub-shrines covers a larger land area than the city of Paris.

Wandering in the complex I found myself overwhelmed by the sheer size of the place. It wasn’t clear to me how I could make a meaningful image. So instead of trying too hard I just followed the crowds and explored. Every spot seemed curated, and no doubt the paths had been trod for years without count.

Glancing over my shoulder, I saw the sun hitting the side of an old tree for an instant, with shadows from foliage projected on the ancient trunk. Perhaps in the past at this time of year and day others had watched this brief illumination. I snapped my photo, and the sunlight was gone.

Tree Shadow © Harold Davis

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  1. Beautiful.

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