Chemin de Halage

Under the cliffs beside the Lot River, and below the picturesque medieval village of Saint-Cirq-Lapopie, the Chemin de Halage makes for spectacular walking, and is part of one of the…

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Carcassonne at Night

Coming back to my base in Carcassonne after a long day of exploring Cathar castles---more on this later---I took my gear out on the old bridge after dark. Photographing back…


Ranunculi in a Blue Bowl

Ranunculi is the plural of ranunculus and I think makes a better plural for this wonderful flower than "ranunculuses." By whatever plural form, Ranunculi in a Blue Bowl forms the third…


Kerry’s Bouquet

It's a great pleasure to have a surprise bouquet of flowers show up on our front porch---perhaps particularly when one has really done nothing to merit the sumptuous arrangement. If…


Spring Wreath

Here's a spring wreath of flowers composed on my light box for you to enjoy! Happy spring! Interested in how I made this image? Please consider my Photographing Flowers for…


Punch Bowl

This image looking down on a glass bowl is one of a series of fractal-like images I've made that are constructed by adding the initial image to successively reduced versions…

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