Storm over the Golden Gate

I made a point of picking up Nicky at Step One today, even though Sarah (our nanny) could have done so. Nicky has been making it clear that he’d like a little more time with me.

Nicky’s pre-school, Step One, is hard by the top of the coastal range a/k/a the Berkeley hills. As Nicky and I happily strolled down to the car, looking out over the Bay, I saw storm and rain lash across the city and the compete with the sun over the Golden Gate.

“Nicky,” I asked him, “Do you mind if I stop by the house and grab my camera kit before we do our fun thing together?”

“I don’t mind, Daddy,” he said, “But I’ll wait in the car. After you take your pictures, buy me a cookie.”

It was a deal. We went to Indian Rock. I photographed the oncoming storm. Nicky made friends with a stranger, Elizabeth, who helped him examine the contents of the puddles on top of Indian Rock.

Here’s the storm reaching the city:

Storm and the City

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