Honeysuckle and Monarda

Sometimes single blossoms are the most elegant. This Honeysuckle (above) and Monarda (below) are from our garden. I photographed the blossoms on a light box, and other than layering-in bracketed…

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Patterns in Glass

Well, I'm off again. This time, not on a road trip or great adventure on a pilgrimage trail, but rather a trip to "inner space," photographing glass on a light…

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Water Drops in the Morning

It rained overnight. In the morning the sun came out. I was up early with camera and macro lens, crawling on my belly to seek out nature's most unfathomably beautiful…

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Spring of our Discontent

This is the spring of our discontent. Or at least the spring of isolating in place. As long as we are on Shakespeare near-quotations, "Sweet are the uses of adversity…

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