Autumn Bouquet

Dahlias are not an autumn flower, although they come towards the end of summer riotous display of floral colorification. It's actually the autumnal hues of these particular Dahlias that makes…

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Wheel of Flowers

This is a fairly regular, patterned image using cymbidium orchids on the outer most ring. Daffodils are next, with irises forming the inner circle around a single red tulip blossom.…

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Backgrounds and Textures

What are backgrounds and textures, and what is the difference between a background and a texture? Both backgrounds and textures are used as part of the process of finishing a…

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Solace for the Wild Rest

Unlike Being and Becoming, there's rather little Photoshop in Solace for the Wild Rest. This is an in-camera multiple exposure, using eight individual exposures with auto-gain turned on, using the…

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