Above Us Only Sky

Meta information: Nikon D70 Raw capture, AF Micro Nikkor 105mm f/2.8 (157mm 35mm equivalence).

Exif: ISO 200, 1/125 second, f/7.1. This was an exterior, daylight shot with considerable wind and motion, and handheld.

Focus: Manual, about 1 meter (around 3 feet).

Post: Slight cropping for compostion, routine level adjustments and workflow, sharpening for both Gaussian and Motion blur in the flower area, center lightened and vignetting added to the edges in post production.

On my way to photograph the marvelous bromeliad flower yet again, I found this flower (belonging, I think, to some kind of climbing bean). The thing that was amazing about it was that it hung from one supporting stalk, for all the world like a modernist standing floor lamp.

I lay down below the flower, and pointed my lens up at it and the sky. The flower floated alone, by itself, in the wind. Above us was only the sky.

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