Campanulas X-Rays

I write this from the train from Frankfurt to Berlin, where Julian K. and I are sitting in a first class car at the all-important table, with the all-important wi-fi connectivity. Since I am connected to the world of the Internet, I can post this!

Campanulas X-Ray © Harold Davis

We are working on processing images from yesterday’s fusion light box and x-ray photography of flowers. These campanulas as arranged took up almost all the space yielded by the size of the sensor of the x-ray machine. I’ve begun to get a bit of a feeling for how the x-ray sensor processes the electromagnetic waves it receives from the emitter, and how to best arrange the subject in the cone shape that is best for this kind of capture. 

Query: Is capture via x-ray photography, or should another term be used? I think “photography” does fit the bill (there is another, more technical vocabulary related to radiology as well). What do you think?

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Hi Harold,

    Infrared is photography then to me x-ray is photography.


  2. Yes, basically I agree. But there are some differences: IR can be done with a modified standard DSLR, or even just using a filter on a standard DSLR, using ambient light emitted or reflected by the subject. In contrast, X-RAY photography requires specialized (and very expensive) gear that must itself emit the radiation (waves) required to create an image. The X-RAY setup has more in common with an analog darkroom enlarger (emission from the “head”, special media to capture the emission through a medium) than with a camera.

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