Being in Clover

Friends with benefits. That is kind of the way I feel about a side effect of poking my macro lens at all kinds of things. The benefit is not that I get to make love to flowers—although sometimes I kind of do, I like to think of some of my flower compositions as a bee’s eye view. No, the benefit is that I get to see the world differently. In the universe of the tiny there is another whole universe of sights that most people never see.

This clover was growing along my garden fence. I clamped it with my McClamp, and then took a long, stopped down time exposure with my 200mm f/4 Nikon macro lens and 50mm of extension tubes. In order to reduce vibrations, I locked up the mirror, which is easy to do with my Nikon D200, and used a remote cable and controller to take the exposure.

Here’s another clover bouquet from the heart of the same clover flower:


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