
We were sitting on top of Battery Townsley above Rodeo Beach in Marin Headlands. Somewhat aptly, I was reading to Julian from H.M.S. Surprise, the third volume in the Aubrey-Maturin series. The sun was coming in and out of the fog, shining brightly if obliquely when present.

All of a sudden, Julian pointed out this lizard to me, hiding under a low bush. I quickly got out my camera, and boosted the ISO to 400 so I’d have a crack at a handheld shot. Just as I was ready to make my exposure, the lizard turned his head towards me, and his eye glinted for a moment in the sun.

[105mm f/2.8 macro lens, 157.5mm 35mm equivalent focal length, 1/400 of a second at f/10 and ISO 400, handheld.]

Related story: No Time to Be Lost.

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