Purple Dahlias

I love to photograph dahlias---and, as I wrote in Photographing Flowers, it is "not for their good taste. Rather, I see these flowers as extravagant: wonderfully different from each other, and wild…


Slot Canyon

My Slot Canyon image was created using hand-HDR layering from four exposures, as I explain in my original blog posting about the color version and in my forthcoming book Creating…

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Peonies and Matilija Poppies

The Vertical Panoramic Format I've been creating a number of horizontal floral panoramics, for example my Star Magnolia Panorama and Floral Tapestries, but this image, Peonies and Matilija Poppies, is my first…


Aisle of Sight

Driving across the great central valley of California on my way to Yosemite, a fierce wind kicked up dust and limited my visibility. Then I noticed that the hazy light…

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